Man walking through a corn field
Image credit: Semilla Nueva



Vitol, a global energy company, made its first charitable grant in 2002. Four years later, the Vitol Foundation was established, to operate independently of Vitol.

Inspired by Vitol’s late CEO, Ian Taylor, the idea was simple: donate to charitable causes around the world discreetly and thoughtfully.

The Vitol Foundation was registered in Switzerland in 2006.

We seek to maximise impact by partnering with like-minded funders. Organised around five principal themes, we have a global reach and flexible approach that reflects the ethos of Vitol’s commercial interests.

We work with local and international charities and NGOs, social enterprises, national governments, public institutions and other local and international partners to channel private capital that will improve and strengthen existing in-country systems to create lasting and sustainable change.

We aim to develop a sense of community throughout the Vitol network, engaging our colleagues and offering them the chance to be involved. We provide funds to support projects nominated by local offices, and support individual and collective fundraising activities. We also encourage our colleagues to visit Foundation-supported projects.

Man in snorkel holding octopus
Photo Credit: Garth Cripps with Blue Ventures


We are more than just a funder. Our grants enable solutions that deliver sustainable change.

All our funding decisions are framed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular 2 (zero hunger), 3 (good health and wellbeing), 4 (quality education), 6 (clean water and sanitation) and 8 (decent work and economic growth).


Zero Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health and Well Being Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry Innovation and Infrastructure Reduced Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future. They address global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice; and are vital for a recovery that leads to greener, more inclusive economies and stronger, more resilient societies.

The Foundation’s work is framed by the UN SDGs and we measure impact through increased performance, increased inclusion, fostering innovation and catalysing access to finance.

Learn more
Children jumping
Photo credit: World Vision in Zambia
Young girls sitting in a row
Image credit: © WASH United
“The Vitol Foundation has a small core team, dedicated to support for charities and NGOs working in the field of poverty reduction and rapid deployment of philanthropic funding where it is most needed in humanitarian crises – all in ways that resonate with the entire Vitol community.” Gérard Delsad, Chair, Vitol Foundation board


John Collenette


John has been the CEO of the Foundation since 2018. He has a background in international financial services, where he spent the bulk of his professional life until stepping back in 2011 to pursue a variety of interests in the non-profit sector.


Federico Motka

Head of Humanitarian

A geographer at heart, Federico joined the Foundation in 2021.  Federico’s specialisation in emergency response programming with various INGOs over the last 15 years has taken him to the frontlines of disaster relief and humanitarian assistance across numerous countries and continents.


Lara Muth

Operations Manager

An accredited counter fraud specialist, Lara joined the Foundation in 2022. Lara’s varied career in both the private and non-profit sectors has given her the necessary skillset to put effective systems in place and keep the day-to-day operations of the Foundation running smoothly.


Regis Garandeau

Head of WASH

In French, Garandeau means “the one who guarantees water”. Regis joined the Foundation in 2016 and brings over 15 years of sector experience, having worked for a broad range of public, private and civil organisations on all continents.  He has a particular interest in the planning, governance and finance aspects of the water sector.

Our Team

Titise Kode

Head of Education

Titise joined the Foundation in 2018 bringing over 20 years’ experience in international development.  She started her career working in gender and development which led her to work with various organisations focused on HIV/AIDS, community development and, for the past decade, education.

Our Team

Sarah Jeffery

Head of Health

A nurse to the core, Sarah spent her early career working for the NHS in the UK. She sidestepped into global health over 15 years ago, working in predominantly fragile contexts. Sarah joined the Foundation in 2014 and has a particular interest in community-based care, mental health and improving access to strong primary care services.

Our Team

Jane Kelly

Head of Enterprise & Livelihoods

Jane joined the Foundation in 2016. With over 20 years of experience living and working across sub-Saharan Africa, she has built her career around sustainable economic development, with a particular focus on inclusive business, entrepreneurship, agriculture and food systems.

Vitol Foundation team portrait